21 June 2018
Palace of the Academies, Brussels
Europe/Stockholm timezone


WP2: Strengthening the In-Kind Contribution Coordination

21 Jun 2018, 14:00
The Stevin Room (Palace of the Academies, Brussels)

The Stevin Room

Palace of the Academies, Brussels

Rue Ducale 1, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium (9 minute walk from Gare Centrale)


WP2: Strengthening the In-Kind Contribution Coordination

  • Carlo Bocchetta


  • Main Activities
  • Main achievements for ESS and Partners
  • Past Risks & Solutions, Identfied Risks and Approaches
  • Remaining Activities Before the End of the Project
    Sustainability of the WP after the End of teh Project

Presentation materials

Building timetable...