ESS-ILL Topical Workshop on Chemistry and Magnetism


We hold the Chemistry and Magnetism satellite meeting of the ESS-ILL User Meeting on the 13th October. Our invited speakers are listed below and we encourage submission of abstracts (deadline 5th October).


Link to the meeting;

Please note that the zoom public link directs you to a page where - if you don't already have a Zoom account in use - you may create a (new / other) Zoom account to join the meeting.
You are simply asked to give your email address and to choose the password of your choice for this zoom account.


  1. Manila Songvilay (Institut Neel, CNRS, Grenoble) 
  2. Lingjia Shen (Lund University)
  3. Matthew Coak (Warwick University)
  4. Romain Sibille (PSI)


  1. Matthew Rosseinsky(Liverpool University)
  2. Eleonora Vottero (University of Turin)
  3. Werner Paulus (Institut Charles Gerhardt Montpellier)
  4. Pascale Launois (Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, CNRS/Université Paris Saclay)