16–19 Oct 2016
Copenhagen University
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Recent Developments in the ICAT Job Portal

18 Oct 2016, 15:10
Marble Hall (Copenhagen University)

Marble Hall

Copenhagen University

Thorvaldsensvej 40
Oral Contribution Contributions 5


Dr Brian Ritchie (RAL - STFC)


The ICAT Job Portal (IJP) allows users to create and submit jobs to HPC resources or compute farms, taking as inputs datasets and datafiles selected using ICAT catalog searches, with jobs using the ICAT Data Service for data access. Jobs are specified via Job Types, where each Job Type defines: whether a job is interactive or can be run as a batch job; the dataset types for which a job may be run; whether a single job instance can be applied to multiple entities (datasets and/or datafiles); and other options and parameters to be passed to job instances. An IJP installation includes one or more *batch connectors*, which the IJP uses to submit jobs to batch processing systems. When the user selects multiple entities for a batch job, they are given the option of submitting multiple instances of the job (one per entity) to the batch system. The portal allows users to monitor the progress and status of ongoing and completed jobs. We describe the broad architecture of the IJP and cover recent developments, including work to integrate the IJP and TopCAT, and on design modifications to meet specific requirements of the Octopus facility at the UK Science & Technology Facility Council's Central Laser Facility.

Primary authors

Dr Brian Ritchie (RAL - STFC) Ms Rebecca Fair (RAL - STFC)


Dr Daniel Rolfe (RAL - STFC) Dr Jianguo Rao (RAL - STFC) Mr Kevin Phipps (RAL - STFC) Dr Stephen M Fisher (RAL - STFC) Mr Tom Griffin (RAL - STFC)

Presentation materials