Nordic Particle Accelerator School, NPAS2017

E1406 (LTH)



Electrical and Information Technology Lund University
Anders Karlsson (LTH), Christine Darve (European Spallation Source ERIC)
Time: August 14-22, 2017. Place: Lund University. E1406. ECTS: 3 Examination: The students carry out a mandatory project and presents this orally and in writing. Target groups: Students at bachelor's and master's levels with a major in Physics, Engineering Physics, Electrical Engineering. At Lund University students on bachelor level with a major in Physics from the Faculty of Science and students from the study programs E, F, Pi, N and BME at LTH may apply for the course. Sponsor: This course is arranged by the Nordic Particle Accelerator School (NPAS) and is sponsored by the Nordic Particle Accelerator Project (NPAP), which is an Erasmus+ project between Lund University, ESS, MAX IV Laboratory, Uppsala University, Aarhus University, University of Oslo, Jyväskylää University. Accommodation: Accommodation will be arranged by NPAP for students from universities outside Lund. Information will be sent to all participants. Meals: Lunches and some dinners will be paid by NPAP. Traveling: NPAP will pay for tickets for students from the partner universities in Erasmus+.