7 May 2019
Palaestra, Lund University, Sweden
Europe/Stockholm timezone

A Bayesian method to localize lost gamma sources

7 May 2019, 11:20
Palaestra, Lund University, Sweden

Palaestra, Lund University, Sweden

Paradisgatan 4, 223 50 Lund, Sweden
Contributed talk Bayes@Lund 2019 Meeting Bayes@Lund 2019


Antanas Bukartas (Lund University)


Radioactive sources can sometimes be lost or misplaced despite the existing rigorous safety rules. Lost sources must be found as soon as possible to avoid inflicting harm to the public. Regardless of the type of equipment used it is desirable to use as much information as possible from the measurements to draw conclusions about the activity and location of a detected source. Using Bayesian inference it is possible to obtain a probability distribution for the position and activity of an unshielded gamma source in one pass with a mobile gamma spectrometry vehicle.
The aim of this research was to investigate the feasibility of a Bayesian algorithm for mobile gamma spectrometry,test its accuracy in determining the location and activity.

Primary authors

Antanas Bukartas (Lund University) Dr Christopher Rääf (Lund University) Dr Jonas Wallin (Lund University) Robert Finck (Lund University)

Presentation materials

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