9–10 May 2023
Europe/Stockholm timezone

The TRIUMF Ultra Cold Advanced Neutron source and nEDM experiment

10 May 2023, 09:00
ESS auditorium

ESS auditorium

European Spallation Source Partikelgatan 2, 224 84 Lund


Alexis Brossard


The TRIUMF UltraCold Advanced Neutron (TUCAN) collaboration aims for the measurement of the neutron electric dipole moment (nEDM) with a one order of magnitude improvement of the current best limit. Ultra-cold neutrons (UCNs) suits for such experiment as they can be trapped and stored for several minutes. The collaboration works toward the completion of a new high-intensity UCN source. UCN are produced by a neutron spallation target driven by TRIUMF’s proton cyclotron and a combination of heavy water, liquid deuterium moderator and super-fluid 4He converter. This production scheme has been successfully demonstrated by a prototype UCN source operated from 2017-2019 at TRIUMF. With our newly upgraded source, a statistical nEDM sensitivity of 10−27 e⋅cm would be achieved in 400 days of data taking. The source will also deliver UCNs to a second port that will be open to proposals from users worldwide. This presentation will present an overview of the UCNs source and nEDM experiment installation at TRIUMF.

Presentation materials