31 May 2016 to 2 June 2016
Lund, Sweden
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Glass transition and hydraion of food protein studied by inelastic neutron scattering

2 Jun 2016, 13:55
Palaestra Nedre (Lund, Sweden)

Palaestra Nedre

Lund, Sweden

Paradisgatan 4 Lund, Sweden


Dr Hiroshi Nakagawa (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)


Hydration and vitrification is an essential factor determining the physical property and quality of food. Inelastic neutron scattering is a promising experimental method for analysis of water mobility and glass transition of food materials. Neutron has high permeability in materials, and can observe non-destructively the molecular dynamics of materials involved in food. Molecular Dynamics simulation gives the information on the molecular structure and dynamics with atomic scale. It was found that the hydration level dependence of the onset of protein glass transition is correlated with the percolation transition of hydration water. In addition, the hydration water dynamics change significantly at the transition temperature. The percolation of hydration water induces the protein glass transition.
Topic Area / Session Biopolymers

Primary author

Dr Hiroshi Nakagawa (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)

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