7 October 2017
Hotel Fairmont Rey Juan Carlos I, Barcelona
Europe/Madrid timezone

EPICS 7 Roadmap

7 Oct 2017, 09:50
Hotel Fairmont Rey Juan Carlos I, Barcelona

Hotel Fairmont Rey Juan Carlos I, Barcelona

Hotel Fairmont Rey Juan Carlos I Avinguda Diagonal, 661-667 08028 Barcelona


Bob Dalesio (Osprey DCS)


The release of EPICS 7 marks a major enhancement to the EPICS toolkit. EPICS 7 combines the proven functionality, reliability and capability of EPICS V3 with the powerful EPICS V4 extensions enabling high-performance network transfers of structured data. The code bases have been merged and reorganized. EPICS 7 provides a new platform for control system development, suitable for data acquisition and high-level services. This paper presents the current state of the EPICS 7 release, including the pvAccess network protocol, normative data types, and language bindings, along with descriptions of new client and service applications.
Talk Length 15 Minutes

Primary author

Bob Dalesio (Osprey DCS)

Presentation materials