7 October 2017
Hotel Fairmont Rey Juan Carlos I, Barcelona
Europe/Madrid timezone

Keithley 6482 EPICS module prototype

7 Oct 2017, 15:00
Hotel Fairmont Rey Juan Carlos I, Barcelona

Hotel Fairmont Rey Juan Carlos I, Barcelona

Hotel Fairmont Rey Juan Carlos I Avinguda Diagonal, 661-667 08028 Barcelona


Ms Carolina Bianchini (SLAC)


The LCLS II requirements for the Bunch Current Monitor (BCM) attracted the preference to use the Keithley PicoAmmeter 6482 over the 6487 model. The EPICS module for controlling the PicoAmmeter 6487 was available to the EPICS community, but the 6482 module had not been developed. The differences in command’s syntax and functions between the two PicoAmmeters required SLAC to write a compatible driver for the PicoAmmeter 6482. A new EPICS driver module for PicoAmmeter 6482 has been prototyped for a final test during Early Injector Commissioning (EIC) prior to Production Commissioning of LCLS II. The prototype is based on the EPICS module Keithley6487 where the new functionalities are now accessible and the discrepancies with the previous command’s syntax has been addressed. Tips, test procedure and advices will be presented to facilitate similar challenges.
Talk Length 5 Minutes

Primary author


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