MCAG code camp 2022




TwinCAT collaboration code camp 2022 between ESS, ISIS and JCNS.

Federico Rojas
    • 08:45 09:00
      Check-in at F04 15m ESS F04 gate

      ESS F04 gate

      Get badges and register at the reception at F04 gate

      Speaker: Federico Rojas (European Spallation Source ERIC)
    • 09:00 09:50
      Welcome and Collaboration Updates 50m Titanium


      ESS B01

      Meeting ID: 646 7818 3811 Passcode: 319385

      Agenda of Code Camp 2022
      Overview about the collaboration
      Current status of the software
      Current supported features
      Future features
      Envisioned changes

      Speaker: Federico Rojas (European Spallation Source ERIC)
    • 09:50 10:10
      FIKA 20m
    • 10:10 12:00
      Beckhoff update 1h 50m Titanium


      ESS B01

      • TwinCAT/BSD. Released version and upcoming updates.
      • TwinCAT HMI and the new EtherCAT diagnostics feature. With live demo.
      • New ELM-terminals. Metal chassis servo drive terminals. Extended safety built in.
      • Drive Manager 2 can now be used for EL and AX5000
      • Sensorless Motion (only AM80xx)
      • Cogging Compensation
      • Collision Detection (only AX)
      • MC_TorqueControl. New PLC-block for simpler handling. (only AX).

    • 12:00 13:00
      LUNCH 1h
    • 13:00 14:45
      ESS lab tours 1h 45m ESS


      Tour the motion labs and other ESS locations

      Speaker: Federico Rojas (European Spallation Source ERIC)
    • 14:45 15:15
      FIKA 30m
    • 15:15 16:30
      Update on EPICS comms 1h 15m Titanium


      ESS B01

      Update on ESS and ISIS communication strategy between TwinCAT and EPICS.

    • 16:30 17:00
      Closing Day-1 30m Titanium


      ESS B01

      Closure of day 1
      Information about next days

    • 08:45 09:00
      Check-in at F04 15m ESS F04

      ESS F04

      Meet at the F04 gate

      Speaker: Federico Rojas (European Spallation Source ERIC)
    • 09:00 09:15
      Agenda of the day 15m Universe


      ESS B01

      Conclusions of previous day
      Agenda of the day

      Speaker: Federico Rojas (European Spallation Source ERIC)
    • 09:15 10:00
      SAT and commissioning tools 45m Universe


      ESS B01

      ISIS commissioning and testing tools (C#)
      ESS FAT/SAT tools (python)

    • 10:00 10:20
      FIKA 20m
    • 10:20 12:00
      MBP-198 Improve code execution 1h 40m Universe


      ESS B01

      Defining requirements
      Defining procedures and methods

    • 12:00 13:00
      LUNCH 1h
    • 13:00 14:00
      MBP-198 tasks allocations and final discussion 1h Universe


      ESS B01

      Defining action items
      create sub-tickets
      allocate the tickets

    • 14:00 15:00
      Other tickets 1h Universe


      ESS B01

      The poweron/AmplifierOn handling.
      Prioritize and clean tickets
      allocate tickets

    • 15:00 15:30
      FIKA 30m
    • 15:30 16:30
      MBP-161 Clean up FB_axis 1h Universe


      ESS B01

      Once MBP-198 is defined:
      Define the new format for FB-Axis
      Action items
      Ticket allocation

    • 16:30 17:00
      Closing Day-2 30m Universe


      ESS B01

      Discuss the day
      Discuss the last day actions and agenda

    • 08:45 09:00
      Check-in at F04 15m ESS F04

      ESS F04

      Speaker: Federico Rojas (European Spallation Source ERIC)
    • 09:00 09:15
      Agenda of the day 15m Titanium


      ESS B01

      Meeting ID: 646 7818 3811 Passcode: 319385

      Discuss the agenda of the day
      discuss unfinished items of previous days

    • 09:15 10:00
      Done movement status 45m Titanium


      ESS B01

      Define Status methods and other needed methods
      Define info in ST description

    • 10:00 10:30
      FIKA 30m
    • 10:30 12:00
      Application specific code with new approach 1h 30m Titanium


      ESS B01

      How and where to program the specific application code

    • 12:00 13:00
      Lunch 1h Titanium


      ESS B01

    • 13:00 15:00
      New default features 2h Titanium


      ESS B01

      Add external set point
      Add type of movement case

    • 15:00 15:30
      FIKA 30m
    • 15:30 16:15
      Conclusions and how to move forward 45m Titanium


      ESS B01

      Review new tickets
      Prioritize and allocate tickets
      Define the next steps

    • 16:15 17:00
      Closure of code camp 2022 45m Universe


      ESS B01