3–5 Jul 2017
Max IV Lund
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Quantum phase transitions in the transverse field Ising model

Not scheduled
Max IV Lund

Max IV Lund


Ms Sofie Janas (University of Copenhagen)


Quantum phase transitions are a type of phase transitions that formally only occur at a temperature of absolute zero and are driven solely by quantum fluctuations. Though they only occur at $T = 0$, they can influence the behaviour of systems over a wide range of phase space. The existence of many exotic phases of matter have been linked to their existence, and thus it is an active field of research. In order to study the fundamental concepts of the phenomenon, it is often fruitful to investigate simpler models. One such model is the one-dimensional Ising spin model in a transverse magnetic field, which undergoes a quantum phase transition when tuning the applied field. The transverse field Ising model has been studied using exact diagonalization to obtain the $T=0$ energy spectra and dynamical structure factors for both the critical point and non-critical regions, in order to make predictions for future neutron scattering investigations of compounds described by this model.

Primary author

Ms Sofie Janas (University of Copenhagen)


Prof. Kim Lefmann (University of Copenhagen)

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