3–5 Jul 2017
Max IV Lund
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Exact diagonalization of next-nearest-neighbour Heisenberg chain

Not scheduled
Max IV Lund

Max IV Lund


We have by the use of exact diagonalization found the eigenenergies and the dynamical correlation functions of the next-nearest-neighbour Heisenberg chain, which is frustrated for some values of J2 and J2. ![enter image description here][1] For the exact diagonalization, translation symmetry and the conservation of the total spin value has been used to reduce the dimensionality. This has been done with the program RLexact on systems with between 20 and 40 spins and with periodic boundary conditions. We used the results to test for all ferro- and antiferromagnetic combinations of J1 and J2. The different phases for the system have been found and the quantum phase transitions that appear between them when J1 and J2 are changed, have been examined. The results have been compared to the classical results and DMRG results. The dynamical correlation functions have been computed to test with the DMRG. We present a prediction for the fingerprints of this frustrated quantum spin chain and its quantum phase transitions. [1]: https://indico.esss.lu.se/event/680/picture/4.png

Primary author

Ms Nikoline Lyk Pedersen (KU, Københavns universitet)


Prof. Kim Lefmann (University of Copenhagen) Ms Sofie Janas (University of Copenhagen)

Presentation materials

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