15–17 May 2017
Oxford Spires Hotel
Europe/Stockholm timezone


Overview of Deuteration Facilities

16 May 2017, 09:00
Oxford Spires Hotel

Oxford Spires Hotel

Abingdon Rd Oxford OX1 4PS UK


Overview of Deuteration Facilities

  • Jian Lu (STFC)

Overview of Deuteration Facilities

  • Jian Lu

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Peixun Li (STFC)
16/05/2017, 09:00
Asha Dopplapudi (STFC)
16/05/2017, 09:15
Dr Richael Morrison (ILL)
16/05/2017, 09:30
Trevor Forsyth (ILL)
16/05/2017, 09:45
Anna Leung (European Spallation Source ERIC)
16/05/2017, 10:00
Wolfgang Knecht (Lund University)
16/05/2017, 10:15
Andreas Raba, Jürgen Allgaier (FZJ)
16/05/2017, 11:00
Peter Holden (ANSTO), Tamim Darwish (ANSTO)
16/05/2017, 11:20
Hanna Wacklin (European Spallation Source)
16/05/2017, 11:40
16/05/2017, 12:00
Building timetable...