
Tour of SEE-mounting system - Please register in advance at

11 Feb 2019, 18:00
AF Borgen

AF Borgen

Sandgatan 2 223 50 Lund Sweden


Tour of SEE-mounting system - Please register in advance at

  • Malcolm Guthrie (European Spallation Source ERIC)


This is an opportunity to see the prototype system for installing sample-environment equipment on floor mounted instruments (relevant for DREAM, MAGIC, ODIN, BEER, BIFROST, LOKI, SKADI, ESTIA, and FREIA)

You input on physical size/ distances, installation interface etc. is very welcome.

We also aim to demonstrate the concept of offline alignment and some features of the 2-camera metrology system we have developed.

If you are interested in joining the tour, please make sure to register in advance!

Presentation materials

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Building timetable...