BrightnESS WP5 design review

M10A+B (DMSC Copenhagen)


DMSC Copenhagen



This review workshop is organised to mark the first software integration review milestone of WP5 in BrightnESS. We will look at all software (prototypes) that we expect to eventually run at ESS in operations and assess the quality of the designs and implementations, work towards integrating all parts and make sure that the overall architecture is sound and maintainable.

There will be a fair share of hands-on sessions and content. So you need to bring a machine you can develop code on. We will be using Vagrant and VirtualBox (also see below for logging).

Most sessions will be with all participants. Tuesday morning will be split into a logging group and one working with Jenkins. We expect each facility to have a person in each session.

If you have been assigned to give a presentation or picked as a "session convener" and you have questions about your role, please contact Tobias or your preferred DMSC staff member.

In case you do NOT plan to attend the dinner on Tuesday, please let someone at DMSC know.

Logging hands-on

The logging workshop on Wednesday morning requires that you have a Graylog server up and running on your local machine. Instructions on how to do this using VirtualBox and Vagrant can be found in this Bitbucket repository.