DTL FC(s) shielding(s) design - review

Zoom (ESS)




Review of the drawings for the shielding(s) of the DTL FC2 and DTL FC4 when installed after DTL tank 1 and DTL tank 4, respectively 

Committee: Riccardo, Laurence, Ciprian, Marco, Rihua, Francesco, Anton, Tom, Tommy, Slava, Elena 


Charge questions: 

1) Are there any differences with respect to the simulated and documented shielding in ESS-0136227
2) Is the design and all the corresponding documentation ready to start the CHESS release?
3) Are the main approver and the reviewers identified for the CHESS release? 
4) Can the procurement start right after the CHESS release? 
5) Is there any possible issue identified in relation to the newly introduced external metallic plates
6) Is there a consensus on the transportation strategy before the installation and after the uninstallation? 
7) What are the foreseen risks during the transportation of the whole shielding? 
8) Are there any issues due to the structural loads
9) Are there any impediments foreseen during service, maintenance and emergency situations
10) Are there any potential safety issues
Committee members are free to add further questions during the review. 

ZOOM linkhttps://ess-eu.zoom.us/j/61467807939?pwd=UUNnUUdIYnhSME45bjZ1bDlLem56dz09
